Sheila Wise Rowe
Healing happens as we become honest about what happened and how we really feel about it. For info about working with Sheila:
Healing happens as we become honest about what happened and how we really feel about it. For info about working with Sheila:
I am a member of the Redbud Writers Guild and have written for several publications and blogs.
I am included in the anthologies; The Wonder Years: 40 Women Over 40 on Aging, Faith, Beauty and Strength, Voices of Lament and The Gospel of Peace in a Violent World.
I authored the award-winning book Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience. In 2022 my newest book, Young, Gifted, and Black: A Journey of Lament and Celebration was released.
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Spiritual Direction and Soul Care
I journey alongside established and emerging leaders in need of Spiritual Direction, Soul Care and strengthening to help clarify and fulfill the calling on their lives.
I also offer training and equipping of Coordinators and Group Leaders of our Spiritual Direction and Soul Care groups and other programs.
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My approach to spiritual direction and soul care involves God’s truth being experienced in a profoundly personal way as you share your story. Each involves talking, journaling, expressive arts exercises, listening and healing prayer. This Christ-centered approach includes accountability and support.
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As a trained Life Coach, I facilitate a Soul Care process of listening prayer, inquiry, discovery, feedback, follow-up, and accountability.
I customize my approach to help meet your individual needs and enhance the skills, resources, and creativity that you already have in Christ.
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My services are open to all. I offer my service on a sliding fee basis especially to those with limited resources. I aim to support and empower under-resourced and under-served individuals and communities.
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Nina Simone's popular anthem from the civil rights movement speaks to both the celebrations and trials of the Black experience.Young, Gifted, and Black gives voice to the real-life stories of Black millennials and younger adults. If life was a race, it's assumed that every runner has a fair shot at winning. However, it's not always the case for young, gifted, and Black folks.
Sheila goes beyond the common narrative that focuses solely on their success or struggle. Her stories of celebration and lament point toward hope, joy, faith, and healing. Drawing from her years of experience in counseling trauma and abuse survivors, she provides stories, reflections, and tools for Black readers of all ages and their allies. These stories offer an opportunity to explore, reflect, and journey toward healing from the barriers that affect their lives, the lives of their children, and their communities.
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"Thank you for speaking truth into my life and just being there to listen. I praise God for you. The Lord has used you and the rest of the group to minister to me and to help me grow.”
"Your ability to teach, share your story and also empathize with others has not only blessed me, it has demonstrated the Father’s kingdom in a new way”
The Well of Life group: "Since the group I am seeing other people differently, speaking life and identity into others lives and seeing God work and minister to them.”
The Cyrene Movement is an initiative founded by Sheila Wise Rowe and Nicholas Rowe. The Cyrene Movement has three pillars: To Heal Racial Trauma, Realize Potential & Embrace Community.
The Cyrene Movement offer courses, resources, online support and prayer for people of color to heal from racial trauma, share our joys, and realize our full potential then to go forward as a movement empowered to embrace, reconcile and transform communities for Christ.
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Sheila is a volunteer member of the Community Ethics Committee, of Harvard Medical School and its teaching hospitals. This diverse group of citizens from the Greater Boston area meet regularly to provide public input on ethical aspects of health care.
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